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Enlarge pattern: broadening the corrugated board manufacturer enterprise development
时间: 2020-10-09 09:39:49

With the increasingly fierce market competition, corrugated board manufacturers are facing more and more pressure. The once extensive management model is increasingly difficult to cope with the changes in the current market environment. At this point, to improve the business mode, establish and improve the management system, actively embrace the industry changes, so that the corrugated board manufacturers enterprise business development road more and more wide.

Fine management, the realization of profit

Today's market, some enterprises or extensive management, workshop management. The development concept and management mode of many enterprises are still five years ago, and the data, standards and information of raw materials entering the factory and products leaving the factory are not perfect. The enterprise has no system, no standard, no process, no standard, no bill, no data, no information, no culture, no brand, no team.

As a manufacturing industry, some enterprises do not even hold regular production meetings, production, supply and marketing meetings, cost management analysis meetings, etc. As a result, in the management of the enterprise process can not distinguish the focus of work. At present, many enterprises are focusing on lean management and want to get benefits from management. However, if there is no system, standard or process in the enterprise, in the process of management, only emotion should be emphasized instead of system. As a result, businesses are like firefighters, fighting fires everywhere every day.

Fine management, to win. Businesses must change the extensive management mode, establish and improve the management system, change the "rule of man" to the "rule of law", and achieve lean management through systematization, standardization, standardization, billing, data, information, process, etc., so as to reduce costs, shorten cycles, improve benefits, and achieve greater profits. At the same time, the distribution mechanism should be improved and reformed so that middle and senior managers are no longer mere managers, but operators and partners of enterprises. Only in this way can we fully arouse the enthusiasm of employees.


Magnify the pattern, the road to go wider

In the market, some enterprises and businesses have low cultural quality, a small pattern, blindly exclusive, and like to stay in the past. Some businessmen have money, expansion, can become smaller, always treat peers as enemies, unwilling to communicate and share, unwilling to learn, more reluctant to embrace the industry changes, the more narrow the road, can only turn the enterprise into a pool of stagnant water.

At the same time, there are also many businesses complain that the development of each enterprise is different, even if to learn, it is difficult to apply what they have learned. It may be that you are not high enough, deep enough, wide enough, or you are not learning with questions and purpose. Many businesses, the business trip and travel confused, just after the study, businesses surging, very excited, but after no action.

Embrace change and you will survive. Businesses should be more open to the market and industry. This is an information-based and integrated world. Whether enterprises and businesses like it or not, the industry will only develop towards openness and sharing. Boss as the layout of enterprise development strategy, must go out more to have a look, listen to, magnify oneself pattern, do not take root completely production line, doing the work that factory director or workshop director should do every day.

After years of development and precipitation, the polarization of Chinese enterprises has gradually become prominent. Only by magnifying the pattern, embracing the change, changing the extensive management mode, and seeking profits from lean management, can enterprises and businesses walk more and more widely on the road of market development.

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